Plant Sale Friday May8

Plant Sale


Just in Time for Mother’s Day!!! Class Schedule PlantSaleSchedule5-8-15

Annual PTA  BPS Plant Sale Plant_Sale_2015_Flyer (please print flyer if you like to order flats, volunteer etc.) Friday, May 8th at BPS during school hours rain or shine.

This event is NOT a PTA fundraiser but a service to our children in helping them choose a plant for someone special

Please have your child bring a SHOEBOX to transport their plants home & cash if purchasing plants.

Here is a sampling of what we will have available for sale:

4” Pots (begonias, salvia, marigolds, etc.)                          $1.50

4 ½” Pots (geraniums, hybrid impatiens)                            $2.75

Peat Pots (tomatoes, peppers, eggplant)                             $1.00

Hanging Baskets:

4 ½”                                  $3.00

6”                                        5.00

8”                                        8.75

Flyer with more information (click link Plant_Sale_2015_Flyer)