KidStuff Books

Its that time of year again.  The KidStuff Coupon Book is being sent home on Monday 9/18.  Our school earns 50% of every book that is sold.  Most coupons don’t expire until December 2018.   You earn one FREE book for every 5 books sold!  Only the OLDEST child in each family will receive a book.  If your oldest child does not bring a book home by Wednesday 9/20 please email me at [email protected].

*If you would like to keep the book please complete the contact information on the envelope. Please send cash or checks payable to BPS PTA.  Send the envelope back with your child to give to the teacher.

*If you would like to order additional books indicate the amount of each book for each county on the back of the envelope.  Enclose cash or check(s) for each additional book and return the envelope to school with your child.  Any extra books you order will be sent home with your child in early/mid October.

*If you do not wish to purchase the book please have your child return it to his/her teacher in the bag it came in.  Please do not remove the label on the book with your child’s name and class.  It is the only way I know who is returning it.

*Please remind your child that the envelope or book is in their backpack and they must return it to their teacher.

*All books and payments must be received no later than OCTOBER 2, 2017.

Any questions please email me at [email protected]

Thank you
Laurie DiRusso


4th Grade Bike Rodeo

When: Tuesday 9/19 raindate 9/26
Where: on Spruce Street (each class will be assigned a time with their teacher – Cranford Police Department and Parent Volunteers assist)
What’s needed: Each 4th graders is asked to bring a bike helmet, bike lock, bike registration, and bike (or make arrangements to share)

The classes will participate as follows and only be outside during their timeslot:
9:15am-9:45am 4JB
9:45am-10:15am 4JS
10:15am-10:45am 4LV

For 4th graders only. Please see the attached flyer. Bike Rodeo 2017


BPS PTA Helping Hands

This program is designed to assist Brookside families who may need assistance due to illness, hospitalization, etc.

If you are interested in assisting, please complete the form Helping Hands Volunteer 2017-2018 and e-mail Chris Miskewitz at [email protected]. If you have signed up in the past, we would ask that you still complete and send back the form via e-mail.

Our Helping Hands program has been successful through the participation and willingness of our volunteers.

Thank you for your support!



BPS Book Fair

Book fair September 13 and 14th. Please see class schedule below. If your child will be shopping for books with their class. Please send in an envelope with their name, class and $ written on the outside.

See Class Schedule BookFairScheduleSept13-14-2017

Book Fair Letter Book Fair