Relay for Life May 18

Luminaria Project Cranford Relay for Life 2018This week all Brookside students will receive a white paper bag and letter about Relay for Life. Students are asked to decorate at home and return the bags by May 8. The bags will be filled with sand, candle placed inside and they will line the path the volunteers will walk along at this year’s Relay for Life Walk at OAS May 18.

Relay for Life is an overnight American Cancer Society fundraising event that will take place at Orange Avenue School (this year – it alternates between HAS and OAS). Last year Cranford raised almost $100,000 at the Relay! Teams of people from our community will walk laps and participate in activities as we build a community spirit and honor loved ones lost.   Your donations will help them continue to “Kiss Away Cancer”.

Everyone is welcome to visit the relay and see the artwork along the track. The event starts at 5pm Friday, May 18th.

Brookside Students along with our Lunch Aids will walk during recess Friday May 18th to show our support. Remember to wear sunscreen and drink plenty of water.

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